April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s Day
Many don’t know how this day came to be,
After I tell you the story you will soon see,
When the Gregorian calendar took over from the Julian,
There were people who forgot to change their calendar again,
So they attempted to celebrate New Year‘s eve on April first,
But this mistake is one of the worst,
Those who did were known as “April’s fools,”
And were laughed at in the neighbor hood or at school,
In Canada, New Zealand, the UK, Australia, Cyprus, and South Africa it is celebrated only until noon,
If you do a prank after, you are a goon,
Someone who does a prank after is teased,
And after you hear this you will not be pleased,
“April Fool’s Day’s past and gone,
You’re the fool for making one”,
It is not a national holiday,
But it is celebrated anyway,
It is a time to relax, laugh, and have fun,
Wishing the day would never be done,
So Happy April’s Fools Day to you,
And I hope you get a lot of pranks too!


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