Where I’m From

Where I’m From
 I am from literature
from poetry and rhyme-schemes.
I am from the breezes above the mountain tops.
Gentle, swaying,
It sounds like whispers.
I am from story books
the Fairy Tales
whose magical words I live
as if they were my every life.

I’m from the dimples and smiles,
          from my Nǎinai and Zǔfù.
I’m from the hug-me-todays
          and the love-me-always
from Climb ups! And Fall downs!
I’m from the burning of incenses
          with sacred temples
          and envelopes of good luck.

I’m from Charlie and Ivy’s Branch,
white rice and sweet tea.
from the enjoyment of working out
          in the hot fields,
the delight of diving into a murky lake.

Under my pillow was a small book
filling up with memories,
a verse of emotions
to bring and give me joy.
I am from those memories -
recited before complete -
poem- spoken from the heart.

With thanks to Georgia Ella Lyon 


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