Remember Me?

Hi everyone! I just wanted to point out that because I wrote this poem for a school project it had to match the theme of another poem. The other theme was negative therefore this poem is negative. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to comment. 
Remember Me? 
My name is Loneliness
I have no compassion for emotion.
I separate the unknowing. I break spirits and crush joy.
I am quiet, unloved, and gather enjoyment from tears.
The more I am here, the more you are not.
I thrive on broken hearts.
My victims are weak. They don’t have anyone to
give them strength because I am here and cannot be caught.
To catch me is impossible. The more you try, the
More I isolate your soul.
I am nobody’s love.
Once I separate a victim, they can never be seen.
I destroy friendships and crumble hope. I demolish
Laughter and cause lonely shadows, nobodies, and misfits
I create heartaches and make many lost. I can make a popular
Person disappear. Even my name is prolonged and sad.
I am called LONELINESS. Family loneliness-Dance loneliness-Party
Loneliness-Friendship loneliness. I make fun and make
Sorrow. REMEMBER, before you leave a person, ask
Yourself: are they alone? Are they separated? Are they  not okay?? If so, go and
Help them. FRIEND THEM.
LOVING hearts show compassion…Average hearts have
Emotions…bitter hearts keep separation…Which are you??

With thanks to Ann Landers


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