Chinese Quote 9#

WARNING! BRING TISSUES BECAUSE YOU MIGHT CRY :This poem is written from a girl describing how much she misses a boy and wishes how she can see him and never have to leave him,  hope you enjoy.

To see you would be harder than climbing to the skies. To see you then leave you would be harder. The East wind is warm but becomes weak and vulnerable because the North wind is cold and harsh. The East wind makes the flowers bloom but is to weak when the North wind blows, because of this hundreds of flowers are forced to die and lose their pedals. 

Silk worms' silk is on going and long, just like me missing you. There will always be more silk until the silk worm passes away, just like my love for you. A candle's light is just like me saying, "It's me I'm waiting for you, can't you see." The wax on the candle that is melting away is like my many tears for you. The wax will continue to melt until the whole candle is gone, just like my love for you. 

In front of a clean mirror I gazed at myself and found that time had passed away. My grieve had caused my hair in the front of my head to turned white. Time had gone by but escaped my noticed because  I was too busy missing you. On a cold night I missed you so much I said my poem out loud. No one was there, I am all alone. The moon on that night to me was frozen and dead. The world to me is dead without you.

 Where are you? This boy that left me I have no idea where he's gone so I said to a blue bird one day, "Oh blue bird spread your wings and soar. Fly to him and see if he's okay." The bird left. With this the silk worm finished its last  thread of silk and slowly died.

Moral: Appreciate the time you spend with your loved ones, do not wait to realize it when you are separated.  

無題 (李商隱)
相見時難別亦難 東風無力百花殘 

春蠶到死絲方盡 蠟炬成灰淚始乾
曉鏡但愁雲鬢改 夜吟應覺月光寒 

蓬萊此去無多路 青鳥殷勤為探看


  1. Excellent Lynne!!! Wonderful story and a great moral that is very true. Keep up the hard work.


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