Year of the Snake

It is almost Chinese New Year. I hope everyone has a great one and happy year of the SNAKE!

Happy Year of the Snake

The lanterns glow an inviting light,
In the air glowing late at night,
Family and friends gather,
Spending times and laughter together,
We buy new clothes, things, and hats,
And we say good bye to the dragon, rabbit, tiger, ox, and rat,
Everyone shares memories,
And in 2013, what we hope to see,
We hope for luck and prosperity,
For all our friends and family,
We hope for joy, and delight,
And all our hopes are bright,
Red signs hang, fireworks explode,
And there are dreams of a good life down the road,
Happy year of the snake, I hope it is great,
I hope you will always have food on your plate,
I hope you will always have dreams in your head,
And a house, and a warm comfortable bed,
I hope you will always have love and loving people in your life,
Happy New Year, may you have no strife!


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