Zombie Chicken
For Creative writing I had to write a short story using the topics Germany, Conner, and a Chicken. Here is my short story that I wrote. Please do not read this story if you are scared of zombies or chickens, thank you for your understanding.

Once upon a time in Europe there was a disaster. You see some scientists were experimenting with a live healthy chicken illegally in Germany. The experiment took an ugly turn. The chicken was killed by a mix of chemicals. What was in that chemical the scientists would not tell. They fled the country as soon as they noticed something was wrong. The chicken that was lying on the counter they were experimenting on started to move and wiggle. It started squirting green gooey mixtures out. Then the chicken came to life and moved; the chicken that was already killed. So that how it all began; this is the story of Zombie Chicken.
Zombie Chicken
One sunny day Conner was walking on the streets of Berlin, Germany on his vacation when he heard a terrible sound coming from this restaurant cross the street. It was some kind of screeching voice. Then he heard shrieks and crashes. He heard lots of people screaming. “Must be a Lady Gaga concert going on,” said Conner while shrugging his shoulders. So Conner looked to the left and then the right. There were no cars. So Conner crossed the street and into the restaurant. As soon as he went in the restaurant, he regretted it immediately. Who knew that inside there was no Lady Gaga. Standing there was a chicken. This chicken was green and featherless. It had tiny red eyes that stared at him. On the floor was a pile of green people also with beady red eyes. They weren’t moving. The chicken wobbled over and bit Conner on the leg. Conner feeling very sickened dropped to the floor and turned green. His eyes turned red but Conner didn’t notice. It was because Conner was dead; just like everyone else in that restaurant; all except one.
For some reason no one turned into a zombie. Why they didn’t is unknown. But that’s beside the point; there was one more person in the corner of this restaurant. Her name was Angelica and she was a chef; and she is also the hero of this story. Angelica worked at this restaurant and was mad for the chicken had ruined her career. She picked up a knife from beside her and aimed it at the chicken. The Zombie Chicken turned around just in time to see someone hurl a knife at his face. He tried to dodge it but it was too late. The chicken’s head was cut off. Angelica took the meat and sold it to the chicken factory. The Zombie Chicken crisis was solved but a new crisis began; the chicken food infection!
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