Something More

Hey everyone. I recently wrote this sonnet because I wanted to express something that I know has impacted numerous people. In our society, there is a lot of pressure to be better and to look better and to appear better. I've seen how people putting themselves down can have a harmful impact. Being a 16 year old girl in high school, I'm also constantly feeling this emotion of not being good enough. I know how tough it is to struggle with your own internal battles and to want to change to be like other people. I know that it is hard to love yourself a lot of times but that you really should try to. This chase that we're all after to become this perfect person is an endless and unhappy one. I hope that my poem will help express my feelings about this in a more emotional way. As always, thank you all so much for reading.

Something More

She wished for something more than what she was.
Something more than her golden hair unfrayed.
Her blue eyes grayed with disgust all because,
the sky found in her eyes were the wrong shade.

She wished for something more than what she was.
Something more than her slim and tall body.
Her voice would waver with pain all because,
her gentle speech was the wrong melody.

But even if her hair were black, her eyes,
the hue of great verdant valleys? What then?
Would she want the ocean back? Would she cry?
Would she long for locks of sunshine again?

Stuck in a mirror, opinions so sore,
Because, there will always, be something more. 


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