Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad

Hey everyone! Recently in my Speech class we had to give a Special Occasion Speech. I did mine on my parent's anniversary which coincidentally, was a few weeks ago. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy my speech!
            Once upon a time 19 years ago a beautiful woman and an amazing man got married. I am so happy to say that this wonderful couple were my parents. 19 years of marriage and they have made it feel like a journey filled only with true love and happiness, a real life fairytale. 
            Mom, dad, happy anniversary! I would just like you guys to know that you are amazing role models and each day I look up to you guys and hope my future is just as great. I look to you both and see amazing parents who have truly been successful at creating a wonderful life for both yourselves and for your family. Because of how perfect you both are I often stop to wonder why so many people and couples in this world aren't happy. Aren't like you guys. I think it's because you two, have been able to find the secrets to a successful relationship that has led to this successful life. I’m going to share three of the secrets that I have observed before. 
            The first secret I have noticed is that you both treat love differently than what is normally expected. To both of you, love isn't just a noun, it's a verb. To you love isn't something you have to say or proclaim to each other every day, it's something that you both prove to each other on a daily basis. When I was little I often wondered why the L word was never said around the house. I have come to realize that it wasn’t because you didn’t love each other it was because you loved each other so much, the word didn’t even need saying. You both demonstrated your love to each other through honesty, trust, and commitment.
            The second secret is that fighting is okay sometimes. Trust me, this is one thing that I have only recently been able to understand. I feel that both I and many others, associate couples fighting as a negative thing. But, mom, dad, you have proved us wrong. I have seen through your arguments that talking things out and sometimes just relieving stress is alright. I have seen that arguing skillfully is the key and that sometimes it helps to release some anger and express to each other what's bothering you if your relationship ends up to be stronger than before. After all, marriage is for better or for worse and by going through the worst together you always manage to make your marriage better.
            The third secret is the 60/40 rule. This rule is basically that you both give 60% and only expect to have 40% in return. Instead of a 50/50 rule that most couples seem to follow, you both give so much and do so much for each other while only expecting a little back. With this equation you have both managed to become a wonderful team that works together to constantly improve and show that you care about each other. Mom, you give 60% always. Dad, you give 60% always. With this rule that you both follow, you make each other so happy all the time. I'm so thankful that you are both such giving people.
             Mom and Dad, 3 secrets you have shown me that help explain how amazing you both are together is that you treat love as a verb instead of a noun, you argue skillfully, and that you both follow the 60/40 rule. Mom, dad, I love you both so very much and I’m so lucky to have amazing parents that love each other and love me too.

Happy Anniversary, here’s to a never ending fairytale!


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