Tarsius tumpara
Hi everyone! I hope you are enjoying your summer. This is my endangered animal poem. For some reason when I was writing this poem I felt very attached to this animal. I think it is not only because of their adorable cute eyes but also because of their sad history. I found myself crying as I learned more and more about them. I hope you will enjoy this poem.
Tarsius tumpara

Tarsius tumpara has a very sad story,
Once you hear it you might feel quite sorry,
population is decreasing,
Because of
many things,
For one,
people are destroying their homes,
They are
stuck on an active volcanic island with nowhere to roam,
And what
is really disturbing,
Is that
locals will eat them, 5-10 in one sitting,
I hope
that they will live,
And that
people will open their hearts and give,
them money, give them help, give them hope,
Pray for
them and do not mope,
I hope
that you can think of these adorable primates,
And help
to make sure they don’t end up on someone’s plate,
I know
that they will survive,
And I
hope that we can help them stay alive.
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