Cow Farm
Today I went to a friend's farm and played with a calf named Willy. We saw many different animals and I enjoyed my visit. I just wanted to thank them. I hope you enjoy my poem.
Dear Jim and Sandy,
Thank you for letting us go to your farm,
I learned that cows can’t bring you harm,
They only have teeth on the bottom of their jaw,
And they usually eat hay instead of straw,
I learned how to feed a calf a bottle,
The cows were brown or white with black mottles,
I loved playing with Willy the cow,
Looking at all the tractors and plows,
I loved driving the car on the windy street,
Doing this was quite a feat,
I also got to sit on the back of a truck,
And seeing horses, cows, rabbits, and ducks,
I loved swinging on the vines that dangled from the trees,
I also loved drinking 7 cups of tea,
And I’m happy that it didn’t rain and the skies were blue,
Thank you for letting us visit you.
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