Missouri Compromise ( Compromise of 1820 )

In social studies I am learning about the things that led up to the Civil War. I have a quiz on this  tomorrow so I hope this poem about the Missouri Compromise will help people study. Thank you. 

Missouri Compromise (Compromise of 1820)
In the Union there were 11 slave states and 11 states that were free,
But that all changed in the year, 1820,
Along came Missouri, who wanted in as a Slave State,
On the colored people they wanted to hate,
But they needed a compromise,
To make things equal on both sides,
Along came President Monroe,
He had a compromise he wanted to show,
So Missouri became a state with slavery,
And Maine was admitted as a state that was free,
Also no slavery was allowed above the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase,
And so for now the people felt happy and blessed.


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