Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Written by: Lynne Chen
The smell of food drifts in the air,
Friends and family are everywhere,
Laughter is shared and kind words are spoken,
Everyone’s together and nothing feels broken,
In the kitchen, food is graciously prepared,
And many conversations are shared,
Memories are made during this wonderful holiday,
That is celebrated with close ones that are forever here to stay,
This day is a day to thank and be thankful,
And know that we should all feel lucky and grateful,
This is a day that everyone should treasure,
And be thankful of the things that can’t be sold or measured,
To be thankful of love and to be thankful of care,
To be thankful of people everywhere,
To be thankful of laughter and delight,
And to be thankful of happiness that makes our lives seem so bright,
To be thankful of living, to be thankful of life,
To be thankful that we will not always have strife,
To just be thankful of everything,
So from my family to yours… Happy Thanksgiving!


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