Happy Birthday to Me

Happy Birthday to Me
My birthday is here and I'm happy as can be,
That I can spend it with my family,
This special day only comes once a year,
So I can already feel my heart cheer.

Lots of fun and lots of cake,
Excitement starts as soon as I awake,
I get to do whatever I please,
So I think this day will go by with ease.

But I guess it's just a day when I can be spoiled,
And treated as if my blood was royal,
Really it isn't such a bid deal,
But this day affects how I feel.

To me it shows that a lot of people care,
That they think a celebration should be shared,
And that the fact I was born is something special,
So because of these reasons I try to never feel dull.

To me this day,
Is just a way,
Of saying that I'm alive and that is great,
That I should be thankful and not ask for more or hate.

Tonight the candles on my cake will receive no wish,
Because I am alive and I am thankful for this,
I am thankful that I have so many people that love me,
So I know that I am lucky and the happiest I can be.


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