Last night, in the dark where I felt blind,
some Whatifs sneaked into my mind
and sang and giggled all through the
and then my Whatifs’ imagination took
Whatif I grow some angel wings?
Whatif I can make it always spring?
Whatif I grew a mermaid tail?
Whatif I become a maid with a pail?
What if I lived in a palace?
What if I found a magical atlas?
Whatif fairy wings grew out of my back?
Whatif I lead an army’s attack?
Whatif storybooks came to life?
Whatif fantasies came to life?
Whatif I could create peace?
Whatif I could spin a golden fleece?
Whatif unicorns weren’t fake?
Whatif Cupid’s love arrow breaks?
Whatif trees could talk?
Whatif flowers could dance and walk?
Whatif I found a treasure box’s key?
Whatif true love was easy?
Whatif pixie dust was all around?
Whatif magic could make you spellbound?
Every day seems fine and normal, but
the spontaneous Whatifs come again!
With thanks to Shel Silverstein
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