Fall Poem

Fall Poem
Leaves turn orange, yellow, red, and brown,
From the trees the leaves fall down,
The wind blows a gentle breeze,
It won’t be really hot and you won’t freeze,
The temperature is just right,
And everything is so pretty you won’t believe your sight,
Fall is finally here,
It is very beautiful this year.


  1. “Autumn is a second Spring when every leaf is
    a flower.” – Albert Camus
    “Autumn arrives in the early morning, but
    Spring at the close of a winter day.”
    – Elizabeth Bowen

  2. “The creation of a thousand forests is in one
    acorn.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
    “Winter is an etching, Spring a watercolor,
    Summer an oil painting, and Autumn a
    Mosaic of them all.” – Stanley Horowitz
    "Climb the mountains and get their good
    tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as
    sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow
    their own freshness into you, and the storms
    their energy, while cares will drop off like
    autumn leaves." – John Muir

  3. "Even if something is left
    undone, everyone must take
    time to sit still and watch the
    leaves turn." – Elizabeth
    "It is only the farmer who
    faithfully plants seeds in the
    Spring, who reaps a harvest in
    Autumn." – B. C. Forbes

  4. "How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of
    light and color are their last days."
    – John Burroughs
    "You can't hide your true colours as you
    approach the autumn of your life." – Unknown
    "After the leaves have fallen, we return to a
    plain sense of things. It is as if we had come
    to an end of the imagination, inanimate in an
    inert savoir." – Wallace Stevens

  5. Thank you all for reading my blog and commenting!


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